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Publications / acknowledgement

Have you got a NMI3-funded publication? Please acknowledge NMI3 with the sentence:

This project has received funding from the European Union's 7th Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under the NMI3-II Grant number 283883.

This website is not being updated anymore. Please visit the SINE2020 website to for news on our successor project, or keep up-to-date with the latest news posted on .

The NMI3 information portal

NMI3 was a European consortium of 18 partner organisations from 12 countries, including all major facilities in the fields of neutron scattering and muon spectroscopy. Read more

NMI3: A successful European collaboration for science

This interactive brochure illustrates the contribution of the Neutron and Muon consortium to advancing science in 2012-2016. It focuses on the impact of the NMI3 activities on both science and society.
The brochure is interactive because it contains links to videos, press releases, social media, and more. Feel free to click on your favourite topics to know more!

Download it here (PDF ~4.5Mb).

Latest news

01. August 2016

Funds for post-grant FP7 publications

16. March 2016

New stopped-flow observation head for simpler and cheaper SANS experiments

09. March 2016

Mark Johnson to be next ILL UK Associate Director and Head of Science

To learn about NMI3's latest news click here.